SPYSCAPE, NYC’s leading museum and experience co-designed with a Head of Training at MI6, has introduced a new team-building programme crafted with a senior trainer from the CIA to enhance team performance.

SPYSCAPE’s mission is to inspire individuals to discover their hidden strengths. The brand is now broadening its mission to include teams by merging an interactive experience where participants test their skills in authentic immersive spy challenges with a new team workshop that helps participants apply CIA best practices to improve performance in the workplace.

In the new team-building experience, participants spend 90-120 minutes delving into the covert world of secrets, releasing their inner spy as they crack codes, detect lies, and dodge lasers. These challenges provide each participant with an authentic 40-page profile (designed by a former Head of Training at MI6) detailing their personality, skills, and attributes, as well as the real-world spy role they’re best suited to. Team members then gather for a 60-minute workshop discussion where they learn strategies from a senior CIA operations officer and trainer, including how to leverage their unique skills and characteristics to enhance workplace performance and communication.

Olivia Brooks Allan, Executive Vice President at Landmark Ventures, commented: “SPYSCAPE has elevated team development. What sets it apart is the direct involvement of MI6 and CIA experts, providing unique insights that help enrich professional skills. SPYSCAPE has combined fun and excitement with hands-on learning experiences and tangible, practical skills.”

Since the programme’s initial beta-testing earlier this year, SPYSCAPE has assisted dozens of teams from finance, law, and tech companies to communicate and collaborate more effectively while enjoying the bonding benefits of a thrilling shared experience. Most importantly, they received unique, actionable insights on how their individual strengths and personality attributes can add value to their organisation and enhance interpersonal relationships.

The SPYSCAPE team-building experience is now available from $100 per person (minimum of $1,500) and includes light snacks and refreshments as well as a complimentary gift for each participant. Teams can book their experience online now at spyscape.com/teams.