Revolutionizing Hiring Success

When it comes to preparing for a job interview, a quick internet search turns up plenty of advice for job searchers on preparing and even dressing for interviews, but little information for employers. If you’re about to embark on a series of interviews for the first time, preparation is key. You want to show off your business as a professional yet approachable workspace, and organizing and practicing for an interview ensures you’ll show potential employees your best face. Here are four things an employer can do to prepare for a job interview.

Ask the Right Questions

You probably already have a series of questions in mind for your candidates, but you should ask yourself if they’re the right questions. Avoid downloading and using stock questions from the internet—candidates have computers too. They’ll find the same questions and may even have access to the answers most bosses want to hear.

Instead, craft your questions according to the job description to find out what skills and knowledge the candidate can bring to the role. Go beyond the basic information already in their resume, and phrase questions to see how they’d use relevant skills on the job. For example, don’t ask, “What did you do in your previous job at XYZ Company?” Ask, “In your role as _________ at XYZ Company, how did you handle such and such challenges?” Ultimately, while background checks are important, especially for the gig economy, you’ll discover more about an applicant with the right inquiries.

And Have the Right Answers

An interview is a two-way street. Yes, the candidate is there to answer your questions, but they are also there to ask questions. You’re probably well-versed in your company’s history, mission, and goals. But be ready for questions about duties, company culture, the organization’s hierarchy, and most importantly, what you and your employees like about working there.

Coordinate With Fellow Interviewers

Nowadays, an interview isn’t always a one-on-one chat between a human resources person and the candidate. The process may begin that way, but you’ll likely want to do a group interview at some point with the candidate, yourself, and other individuals with whom they might work. Therefore, you should coordinate with your interview crew ahead of time. You want to present a united front that shows you work well together. Ask questions that address the same issues—experience, preparedness, leadership, etc.—but from different angles. A jumbled and uncoordinated group interview won’t inspire confidence in potential employees.

Stick to a Schedule

The last of our four things an employer can do to prepare for a job interview is this: set an agenda and keep to it. Allow for those little issues and interesting things that crop up. Arrange for the room to be set up in advance, with all the tools, refreshments, forms, and so forth required. Give yourself time to get to the interview and have a buffer of 15 minutes or more between sessions. Don’t come late and unprepared or try to wing it. It wastes your and the candidate’s time and doesn’t look very professional.