A balanced diet is paramount for any pet, and cats are no exception. Raw feeding for cats has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its potential health benefits – but it’s important to understand how best to prepare these meals before you switch your furry friend’s diet. 

This guide will introduce the basics of raw feeding, outlining the supplies needed, key considerations when selecting ingredients, advice on portion size and more – so read on to learn about this fascinating form of nutrition.

Let’s get started.

Why Raw Feeding is a Healthier Option for Cats

As more pet owners recognise the health benefits raw feeding offers, it’s important to understand that this type of diet is not a fad but rather a way to ensure your cat’s long-term nutritional needs are met safely and effectively. 

Raw feeding provides cats with the essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy while avoiding artificial preservatives in processed kibble or canned food that may cause digestive issues. 

One of the main advantages of raw feeding for cats is that it supports their natural carnivorous instincts. Cats require protein from animal sources such as chicken, beef, salmon, or other fish varieties to fulfil their dietary needs. 

With all these factors considered, understanding your cat’s nutritional needs for a raw food diet becomes key in delivering optimal nutrition tailored specifically for them.

Understanding Your Cat’s Nutritional Needs for a Raw Food Diet

Switching to a raw diet can be daunting; however, cats must receive all the essential nutrients they need. Understanding nutritional needs is key when deciding what raw cat food to feed your pet.

Protein is an important factor when considering a new cat diet and is found in animal sources such as chicken, beef, fish and lamb. Cats require at least 30% protein to maintain good health. 

Fatty acids are also necessary for maintaining healthy skin and coat, so look for foods containing omega-3 fatty acids from tuna or salmon oil. 

Cats must get adequate amounts of carbohydrates, too – these can come from grains like oats or barley but should always make up only 10% of their daily intake. 

Minerals like calcium and phosphorus are also crucial for bone growth and development; try looking for supplements rich in these minerals if not included in the raw feeding product’s ingredients.

How to Safely Transition Your Cat to a Raw Food Diet

Any cat can safely transition into a raw food diet with the right approach. To get started on transitioning your cat from kibble or wet food to raw food, here are four tips:

  1. Make sure you understand how to safely feed cats a raw diet by doing research from reputable sources
  2. Start slowly by mixing in small amounts of raw food into their existing meals
  3. Monitor your pet’s health closely during the transition period
  4. Offer variety in meats, offals and supplements for optimal nutrition

Once you’ve done some research, implemented these steps and seen positive results from the switch over time, you’ll have taken an important step towards ensuring your cat’s healthy lifestyle.

Now all that’s left is discovering what foods should make up most of their new diet!

What Foods to Include in Your Cat’s Raw Food Diet

Now that you better understand how to transition your cat to a raw food diet safely, it’s important to know what foods should be included. 

Cats require protein-rich diets consisting mostly of animal-based sources. This includes muscle meat such as chicken or turkey, organs like liver and heart, fish (preferably fresh), eggs, dairy products such as cottage cheese, and occasional treats like shrimp.

Providing supplemental nutrition by adding vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, seeds, and oils is also important. These can be served in small quantities along with the other ingredients for added nutritional value. 

Lastly, ensure your cat has access to clean drinking water. Now, look at what foods you should avoid giving your cat when following a raw food diet.

What Foods to Avoid in Your Cat’s Raw Food Diet

Surprisingly, many cats in the UK end up obese at some stage in their life. When feeding your cat a raw diet, it’s important to avoid certain foods that can harm them.

Most importantly, never give your cat bones from fish, poultry, pork or beef, as these could splinter and cause serious injury to their digestive tract. 

Other things to keep out of their diet include dairy products such as milk, yoghurt or cheese; grains including wheat and corn; processed meats like hot dogs and deli meat; and table scraps that may contain unsafe food additives. 

Additionally, human junk food should be avoided since it doesn’t have the same nutritional requirements as humans and may be toxic to them, like onions or grapes. 

Stick with fresh ingredients where possible and follow a balanced homemade recipe.

In Summary

Raw feeding for cats may initially seem intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. 

With careful planning and monitoring, you can ensure your pet gets the healthy nutrition they need while avoiding any potential risks associated with this type of diet.