Discovering the Best Online Schools for Real Estate Licensing in Florida

Finding the right school is vital if you want to start a lucrative real estate career in the Sunshine State. Florida aspiring agents are required to complete 63 hours of pre-licensing real estate education in certified schools. However, with so many real estate schools in FL, choosing the best Florida real estate online course to undertake your pre-licensing course can be challenging. This post will review the top four best real estate schools in Florida to help you kickstart your career with confidence. 

Top 4 Best Real Estate License Florida Online Schools

Apart from facilitating the completion of the state-required 63-hour pre-licensing education requirements, online real estate schools also provide continuing education (CE) and broker licensing courses. Different Florida real estate license schools have different course structures, instructional methods, pricing, and client testimonials. Check out the list of the top schools offering the best Florida real estate license online courses in Florida below:


RealEstateU is the most affordable real estate license Florida online school with multiple course packages for students looking to get their licenses fully online. The pre-licensing online courses are designed to help you study at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Access the pre license real estate course Florida services 24/7 and obtain all of the study materials you need to pass your Florida realtor license exam. It’s not a secret that RealEstateU stands out as one of the best Florida real estate online schools. Each online course package not only covers the 63 hours of classes but also includes exam prep materials. If you need a school that offers courses in self-paced and on-demand formats with instructor support at every step, RealEstateU could be your stopping point. Visit the website link to find out more about the reputable RealEstateU online classes.

Aceable Agent

Aceable Agent has a high student pass rate in Florida thanks to their online course’s ability to set the stage for success. Premium packages may cost more, but they provide additional features such as audiovisual lessons, e-books, real estate flashcards, and exam prep books. The popular online school recently introduced post-licensing options for Florida agents and brokers and continuing education services. You can leverage enhanced learning features to level up your experience with premium study aids, webinars, and Q&A.

The CE Shop

After RealEstateU and Aceable, the CE Shop is the next biggest online Florida real estate license school. It offers all types of real estate license Florida online courses you need to develop your career. The CE Shop has a wide variety of continuing education electives like Mortgage Fraud, Second Home Ownership, and other professional courses that help newly licensed agents succeed in their first few years in the Florida real estate industry. The online Florida real estate courses are self-paced. Students and agents alike can benefit from interactive and live Q&A sessions.

Goal Coast School

You can also try Goal Coast School if you want to benefit from livestream review sessions. This online real estate license Florida school is a great option for students who prefer to interact with others to learn better. Unfortunately, the live stream sessions can be costly, and there is no money-back guarantee for the course. 

RealEstateU has a good refund policy, making it a good choice for students who want to try the course for 30 days with a money-back guarantee.