AI customer research is a field that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to collect and analyze data about customer preferences, behaviors, needs and moods. This allows you to gain important insights into your target audience, better understand customer needs, and make informed, data-driven decisions to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience. Traditionally, customer research has involved methods such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews that have been time and resource intensive. AI customer research uses advanced algorithms and techniques to automate and optimize the data collection and competitor analysis process. 

How does marketing benefit from AI? 

AI technologies enable marketers to process and comprehend vast amounts of data that would otherwise be overwhelming. AI can identify and analyze various dependencies and correlations between diverse parameters. It can determine how the consumption of a specific brand’s protective creams varies across countries based on factors like seasons, population growth, living standards, advertising intensity, and other relevant parameters. AI can provide unexpected insights through effective competitive analysis, aiding in the development of marketing strategies and advertising campaigns. 

AI finds application in automating routine tasks in marketing. This includes tools for speech synthesis and analysis, the introduction of chatbots for call centers, personalized commercial proposals, and feedback analysis. AI essentially performs practical actions similar to the human brain, but at a much faster pace. AI can be very useful and can do a very quick job of analyzing intercom conversations. 

Current areas of AI application in marketing include:

  • Communication tasks: Automation of technical support using voice and text bots, social listening for insights, analyzing intercom conversations, forming personalized offers based on customer behavior and purchase history, and enhancing customer retention through unique offers.
  • Analytical tasks: User segmentation based on behavioral patterns, analyzing app stores, testing communication materials’ effectiveness, sales forecasting, and assortment matrix formation.
  • Creative tasks: Generating creatives and ad copy, automated generation of product card descriptions, rapid adaptation of materials for different languages, and creating virtual experiences.
  • Additionally, AI is being used to develop unique consumer services, such as virtual dress fitting tools.

AI guarantees:

  • Accuracy: Models trained on vast amounts of data achieve high accuracy in specific areas of application.
  • Speed: With advanced algorithms and computing power, AI produces results much faster and can operate 24/7.
  • Reliability: AI models trained on extensive datasets uncover patterns that are often inaccessible through traditional analysis methods.
  • Cost-effectiveness: AI is highly scalable, and investing in AI projects can result in significant cost savings over time. 

Practical implementation

 AI is already widely used in various marketing areas, including customer service (recommendations, notifications, customer profiling), sales forecasting (considering external factors), voice search, content integration, and advertising automation.

To determine if your business could benefit from AI, consider the following indicators:

Processing incoming customer calls consumes a significant amount of time daily.

Marketers spend excessive time on analytics reports rather than strategic activities.

You have a wealth of data that remains unprocessed, limiting its potential value.

Sales and business cost projections are based on experience rather than predictive models, despite having extensive user commercial information.

Setting up advertising campaigns is time-consuming. 

If you answered “Yes” to at least three of these statements, implementing AI in your company is justified!