The Flowers to Incorporate into Your Life Based on Your Star Sign

The star-gazers among us will incorporate their star sign traits into everything from their schedules to their clothes.

But did you know that there are also flowers associated with your star sign?

Here, we’ll cover the flowers aligned with each sign of the zodiac and how you can incorporate it into your life.

Aquarius – orchids

(January 20th – February 18th)

As a grounded and laidback soul, Aquarians have a lot in common with the orchid. Orchids are dainty, but have long been associated with strength – and the same can definitely be said of Aquarians. Orchids are also thought to symbolise maturity and thoughtfulness, so it’s easy to see why it’s the flower of Aquarius.

Because of their stunning and unique appearance, orchids can be an enviable feature when dotted around our homes. However, they can be costly, so you can incorporate them into your life in other ways. Why not invest in some colourful artificial orchids to brighten up your home?

Pisces – water lilies

(February 19th – March 20th)

The dreamy, thoughtful water sign, Pisces, is represented by the water lily, and we couldn’t think of a better match. The flower floats through water in the same way that Pisceans float through their days, caught up in their bright imaginations. Delicate like their Pisces counterparts, water lilies represent innocence and peace.

Real-life, pond-dwelling water lilies aren’t accessible for most of us, but fear not. As an artsy type, you can incorporate water lilies into your life through the medium of art. What better way to represent the water lily’s whisper-like petals than through a watercolour painting? Let your artistic side out and incorporate the Piscean flower into your life – win-win!

Aries – thistles

(March 21st – April 19th)

Bold and confident, Aries aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd. The same is certainly true of the thistle. Its unique and prickly appearance matches perfectly with your outward personality, but up close its gentle beauty reflects your warmer side. The crown represents leadership – and we all know Aries are the leaders of the pack.

If your home has an outdoor space, thistles can add a unique twist to your array of flowers and greenery. Globe thistles are non-invasive, meaning they won’t take over your garden and encroach on your other well-loved plants. These gorgeously striking flowers will give your garden an edge and express your fiery personality.

Taurus – lilies

(April 20th – May 20th)

Is there anything more soothing and peaceful than a lily? We’d argue not, and the same can be said of trustworthy, nature-loving Taureans. Natural environments soothe you and you love to feel at one with nature. This makes lilies the perfect match thanks to their spellbinding effect and fragrance. As one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, it’s no surprise that Taureans are drawn to romantic lilies.

There’s no question about it – to truly be at one with the lily, you must immerse yourself in them. Dot vases of fresh lilies around your home. Or, if you have an area designated for relaxation, like your bedroom, fill it to the brim with lilies so you can indulge in their calming, oh-so-natural scent and stunning appearance.

Gemini – lavender

(May 21st – June 20th)

Quirky, extroverted Geminis and soothing lavender may seem a strange combination, but they’re a match made in heaven. Geminis are known to be intense (but we’ll call it joyful), so lavender can help bring you back to earth when you need it. It’s perfect for those moments where you find yourself distracted by everything the world has to offer.

We know you might find it hard to wind down sometimes, especially before bed. Keeping a sprig of lavender on your bedside table is a sure-fire way to relax when you need to hit the hay. If that’s a bit overpowering, invest in a lavender pillow spray to reap the benefits of the peaceful smell without being too overwhelmed.

Cancer – white rose

(June 21st – July 22nd)

Nurturing Cancers provide comfort and support to their loved ones, and we can see this mirrored perfectly in the white rose. A unique deviation from its brightly coloured counterparts, white roses represent the serenity and big-picture thinking that Cancers are known and loved for. This white certainly isn’t boring, though, since it sets the flower apart from its more well-known red siblings.

Roses are a popular choice for floral dresses and clothing, but let’s be honest, how often do we see white roses embellishing a gorgeous tea dress? It’s usually a coloured flower on a white background, so why not mix it up and get a dark-coloured dress that’s adorned with beautiful white roses? It’s the perfect balance between classic and striking.

Leo – sunflowers

(July 23rd – August 22nd)

You might think a bold red flower, like poppies or carnations, would best represent fierce Leos, and we wouldn’t blame you. But the sunflower perfectly embodies your inimitable charisma and zest for life. You’re bold and love to uplift your friends, making the sunflower perfect for you.

Faux sunflowers are a sure-fire way to brighten up your home. The real-life oversized flowers might not be realistic to grow yourself, but faux versions have the same effect. Place them on your dressing table, in your kitchen, and around your living room for a boost wherever you are.

Virgo – chrysanthemums

(August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgos are practical, loyal, and have multi-faceted personalities. So, the eclectic chrysanthemum is the perfect symbol for this star sign. They come in so many colours, representing the different sides of your personality. Chrysanthemums are also symbolic of love, happiness, and loyalty, which are all Virgo traits.

Chrysanthemums are visually gorgeous and would make the perfect focus for a feature wall in your home. If you’re looking to spice up your living room, dining room, or bedroom, but you don’t want to overwhelm the whole room with busy wallpaper, a feature wall exploding with chrysanthemums is a beautiful way to express your personality.

Libra – blue roses

(September 23rd – October 22nd)

It makes perfect sense that the social butterfly of the zodiac is represented by one of the most striking flowers, the blue rose. Did you know blue roses don’t occur in nature but are actually dyed white roses? That doesn’t make them any less gorgeous though, and they fit your outgoing personality like a glove.

Clothes that feature bold, beautiful blue roses are the way to go. You’re the life of the party and you want to express your personality when you’re out and about. So, invest in dresses, jumpers, tops, and even blazers featuring bold blue roses. You’ll stand out from the crowd in the right way – and isn’t that what every Libra loves?

Scorpio – red roses

(October 23rd – November 21st)

You’re an enigma, Scorpio. A water sign with a hot streak (we see why Scorpio has a sting), you’re the right blend of mysterious and charismatic. Red roses are the perfect flower for you because they represent your boldness and your inner romantic.

We all love to receive a bouquet of beautiful red roses, but incorporating this into your style will also help you show off your personality. A bag adorned with roses could reveal your passionate streak – and they don’t need to be classic rose heads. Pick totes or weekend bags featuring rose bouquets for an interesting take on your beloved red rose.

Sagittarius – carnations

(November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius girls are unashamedly feminine, bubbly, and spontaneous. It’s fitting then, that carnations represent you – they’re beautifully feminine but bold enough to stand out from the crowd. People are drawn to you, and the same can certainly be said of your flower moniker.

Carnations around your home are a no-brainer, but you could also take this a step further. Why not make art with your dried carnations? You have an affinity for nature and repurposing your pre-loved flowers into artwork around your home will allow you to indulge that side of your personality. Plus, you’ll have some unique artwork to hang up to represent your outward personality!

Capricorn – pansies

(December 22nd – 19th January)

Finally, we have our ambitious and hardy Capricorns. Pansies perfectly embody your strong-willed spirit – get past the connotations of the word “pansy” and it’s easy to see why – this flower is resilient enough to last in the winter. You’re a motivator and you’re the first to show up, just like the pansy.

Because of their tough nature, pansies are a great flower to grow in your garden. But they also have a lovely, delicate fragrance that could work well in a potpourri mix. Blend with some complimentary flowers and place around your home for an uplifting scent throughout the year.

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